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Rapid Response
volume 1 of the trilogy
A graphics strategy game
Keith Laverty and Jason Pellerin
An MVP Software Production
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About MVP Software
MVP Software was founded in 1985. Initially marketing software via direct
mail-order channels only, in 1989 it began offering titles through shareware
outlets, and in 1991 released its first graphics arcade/adventure retail-only
game. MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals.
IBM is a registered trademark of
International Business Machines, Inc.
Tandy is a registered trademark of Tandy Corp.
Copyright 1991 MVP Software
All rights reserved
Rapid Response Order Form
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This game is a tactical nuclear field combat simulator. As the General of the
yellow forces, you will test your command abilities against one of the eight
different generals in the game, controlled by the computer. You will command
the yellow forces whereas the computer will command the blue forces. The
battle field is being monitored by satellite which means that you will be able
to see the enemy forces even when your ground and air forces don't have a line
of sight on them. The ground and air forces that you command for the most
part will be non-nuclear; however just a single nuclear warhead and resulting
radiation can have a have a profound effect on the flow of the battle. The
battle will either be fought for the control of objective flags or the complete
elimination of enemy forces.
Starting Instructions
To start the game type RR, and press RETURN.
The Map
The first thing you should know is that the map is in a four section
overlapping hex map. To move from section to section all you have to do is
move the cursor to the edge of the map. On the map itself you will find
different types of terrain and troops. You will also see roads, yellow and
blue objective flags, and the cursor. But there are still things you will not
see. These are anti-vehicle land mines, radiated hexes, and yellow and blue
airports. The land mine may only blow up vehicles. The radiated hexes will
kill all infantry and non-nuclear hardened vehicles. The airport allows you a
point to load and unload transport air craft. If air craft are at an airport
when the airport is overrun, the air craft may be destroyed on the ground.
Forms of Combat
There are three forms of combat in which you can engage. The first is the
In-Hex Battle (IH). This is where a number of yellow and blue ground forces
are in the same hex. The game will draw the yellow and blue battle 'X' on the
hex to show the battle in progress. When units are engaged in this form of
battle they can't be moved until the battle has been concluded. The second
form of combat is the Dog-Fight (DF). This is where yellow and blue high
altitude units are in the same hex. The game may or may not show the Battle
'X' depending upon whether the combatants have fully committed. Again once the
units are involved they can't be moved until the battle has been decided. The
final form of combat is that of the Range Attack (RA). In this attack you use
a range weapon to strike a hex or air unit. In the case of firing at a hex the
damage that occurs is dangerous to the firing side as well as the enemy. This
hex attacking can be done from a 175mm Gun, SPG, GML, or CSF. In the case of
firing at enemy air units the AAM will pick out a enemy air craft inside the
hex you fire at. The AAM is effective even when you fire at a DF hex. Once
you have fired, the unit you used will need time to reload. You will not be
able to launch a RA if your unit is involved in either a IH or DF.
Giving Orders
Game Commands:
ARROWS Moves Cursor
1 Moving Units
2 Range Weapon
3 Join Units
4 Detach Unit
5 Set Group
SPACE Displays all yellow and blue forces in the hex
TAB Displays Hex Information and Pauses the Game
ESC Surrenders the Campaign
F1 Help Screen
F2 Activate Keyboard Mode
F3 Activate Joystick Mode
F4 Change Game Speed Setting
F5 Load a Previously Saved Campaign
F6 Save the Current Campaign
F7 View Descriptions of Troop Types
F8 View Terrain Hex Discriptions
F9 Get an Campaign Undate
F10 Review the Mission Briefing
Unit Selection Display (USD)
The USD is the first thing that will meet you when you use commands 1 thru 5.
The Display is as follows:
?? ? # # # # #
The UNIT shows which unit you are currently on and if the unit is armed with a
nuclear warhead. If the unit has nuclear capability then a 'N' is placed after
it. Cargo Carried (C)- Shows what unit if any is being carried or towed.
Infantry Squads (I)- Gives amount present. Air-Borne Squads (A)- Gives amount
present. Elite Squads (E)- Gives amount present. Anti-Vehicle Missile Squad
(AT)- Gives amount present. Anti-Air Craft Missile Squad (AA)- Gives amount
present. The GROUP shows the group letter of the unit. A blank represents
that the unit is ungrouped and acts alone.
USD Commands:
LEFT Last Unit
RIGHT Next Unit
ENTER Select the Current Unit
C Abort Selection and return to Game Commands
Moving Units (1)
After you have moved to the hex of the unit you wish to move and press '1' the
lower screen will give you the USD. Now you select the unit you wish to have
moved. If that unit is attached to a group the follow display will come up:
You can either use the number key or use the up and down Arrows and ENTER to
select the option. If you select the 1 option then the unit you selected will
be the only member of the group to be moved. Selecting the 2 option will move
all members of the group. The final 3 option will move all member of the group
that at that point have no movement orders. You should now be greeted with the
'MOVE' prompt. You now have the follow commands:
Movement Commands:
ARROWS Extending Movement Path
BACK SPACE Move the Movement Path back one space
C Cancels Movement Path and enters no movement
S Starts the Path over from the Beginning
ENTER Enters in the Movement Path
When you extend the movement path you will see a little purple 'x' in your past
positions. The movement path can only be extended for 40 hexes at one time.
Once you have either entered or canceled the movement path you will return to
the game commands. The unit/group will move at its own pace during the playing
of the game.
Range Weapon (2)
You will have moved to the proper hex and pressed '2' to receive the USD from
which to pick a unit to fire a range weapon. Carried units are not capable of
firing a range weapon. Once the desired unit is selected the computer will
post a message. If this message is 'NO RANGE WEAPON' then the unit has no
range weapon and you must choose another. When the message reads 'UNIT NEEDS
TO RELOAD' this means that the unit is reloading from last time fired or has
recently been involved in a IH or DF. This message will return you to the Game
Commands. If the message is 'UNIT DISABLED' then you can't use the unit for
the duration of the disablement. The final message is that of a proper usage
which is 'PLACE ON TARGET'. The follow are a list of range weapon commands:
Range Weapon Commands
ARROWS Moves the Cursor
S Restarts the Target Selection Cursor
ENTER Fire Weapon at Current Target
C Cancel Firing and Goto Game Commands
Each range weapon has its own range and when that range is exceeded your
attempts to move the cursor will fail. To receive a fresh range and location
you press 'S'. If you are firing a AAM there is the possibility that the
computer will display a prompt that says the 'TARGET NOT AIR BORNE' in which
case you can press any key with the same result as pressing 'S'. When a target
has been picked and the weapon fired the explosion of the proper type of weapon
is displayed. In the case of the use of a nuclear warhead a mushroom cloud
will appear and then a fallout cloud. The fallout cloud is invisible and moves
with the wind and leaves hot hexes.
Join Units (3)
Move to the proper hex and press '3'. Then you will receive two USDs each for
a unit you wish to join. If you try to join were one or more units are air
borne then you will receive the 'THESE UNITS CANNOT JOIN' message. At which
time you will go to the game commands. If not you will come to the Unit
Redeployment Chart (URC) at which you have these commands:
Unit Redeployment Chart Commands
UP Go up one Position
DOWN Go down one Position
RIGHT Move a count from Unit #1 to #2
LEFT Move a count from Unit #2 to #1
ENTER Finished Arranging the Units
C Cancel Unit Joining
S Restart the Joining of the Two Units
Detach Unit (4)
If you are already at the maximum number of units on the map then nothing will
happen when you press '4'. Otherwise a USD will occur when you press '4'. If
the unit you select has no cargo and too few infantry you will receive the
'THIS UNIT CANNOT DETACH' message, and you will be returned to the game
commands. If the unit can be detached then you get the URC. If you are
detaching from an air borne Transport Aircraft then the only units you can
detach are Air Borne Squads and Armored Personal Carriers. If you are
detaching from a Transport Helicopter into a combat situation then the
helicopter stays in the fight as troop support. Regardless of the situation,
you can't detach in a hot hex or a water hex.
Set Group (5)
Place the cursor in position and press '5'. A modified version of the USD will
be given. In this form of the USD the commands are as follows:
LEFT Last Unit
RIGHT Next Unit
UP Back one Group Letter
DOWN Forward one Group Letter
ENTER Group Assignments Completed
C Cancel Unit Grouping
S Restart Unit Grouping from Beginning
The groups from which you have to choose are A thru I and to be unattached to
any group. Grouping only affects movement.
Display All Yellow and Blue forces in the Hex (SPACE)
This will give you the yellow forces in a row. If any of this units are
disabled then a red box display of the unit will appear instead of the normal
unit. If there is more than 24 units in the hex then a second, third, or
fourth row of units are given before the blue forces are displayed. When the
blue forces are displayed the same rules apply, with the exception that when
the blue forces are completed you will return to the game commands.
Display Hex Information (TAB)
This will give you extra information on the hex your cursor is on. This
information starts with the identification of the terrain of the hex. This
consists of a picture of the hex and the name of the terrain given next to it.
The next piece of information is whether a road is there and if so what
direction it leads. It will then tell you whether there is a airport on that
hex. This is important because it's the only way to know if an airport exists.
The last thing that is given is the wind sock in the upper right corner of the
lower display. This wind sock gives the wind direction which is important to
know when using nuclear weapons. The last function is that this as well as
all other commands will pause the game.
Surrendering the Campaign (ESC)
Once you press this you will be given the option to surrender. I know you
don't want to use this key, but sometimes it is necessary. It is the only way,
other than reseting the computer, to back out of the campaign without a win.
You should also use it in case of a stalemate where no mobile or offensive
troops remain.
Help Screen (F1)
This will give you a list of commands as well as a brief discription of what
the key does. This function is avaible most of the time you are inside the
simulator. You press any key to return to your previous menu.
Keyboard Mode (F2)
This will activate the keyboard and return you from joystick mode. The game
assumes keyboard mode when it starts.
Joystick Mode (F3)
This will activate the joystick. The keyboard commands can still be used while
in joystick mode. When entering this mode you will be asked to center your
stick. Please carefully follow the instructions on the screen at this time.
During the centering of the stick if you wish to return to keyboard mode please
press ESC.
Modifying Game Speed (F4)
There are three game speeds: slow, medium, and fast. Each time you press 'F4'
the game speed will get faster until it moves from fast to slow. Pressing any
other key than 'F4' will get you back to the game commands. The Joystick will
act as key presses in the following ways:
Joystick Keyboard Equivalent
Directions --> Arrow Keys
Button A --> Enter or Space on Game Commands Menu
Button B --> 'C' for Cancel
Load an Old Campaign (F5)
This will give you the Load Game Menu. You have three previously saved game
slots to choose from. At this time if you don't wish to load a game then press
'C' to cancel selection. Otherwise you use the up and down arrows to move the
pointer and ENTER to select the old game to continue.
Save the Current Campaign (F6)
This will give you the save game menu. You have three slots in which you can
save your game. You use the up and down arrows to move the pointer and the
ENTER key to select the slot. If you decide not to save your campaign then you
can press 'C'. You can label these slots with a comment up to 22 characters in
length in order to better refresh your memory when you go to replay that
View Discriptions of Troop Types (F7)
This will give you the name of a unit, the marker, offensive rating, defensive
rating, speed, and a description of the unit's capabilities. You use the left
and right arrows to change the troop type you are looking at. Any other key
will return you to your previous menu.
View Terrain Hex Discriptions (F8)
This will give you the name of a terrain hex, the marker, a definition of the
hex, and a description of how it affects the various units attempting to defend
or cross the hex. You use the left and right arrows to change the terrain hex
you are looking at. Any other key will return you to your previous menu.
Campaign Update (F9)
This will give you what units you have remaining on the map, blue casualties,
flags held, yellow casualties, and time elapsed since the beginning of play.
These various pieces of information add up to determine your score. Different
campaigns will grade you on accomplishing different things. Any key will
return you to your previous menu.
Review Mission Briefing (F10)
This will replay the original mission briefing you recieved just before the
campaign began. You use the up and down arrows to change the text window you
are looking at. Any other key will return you to your previous Menu.